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Business Cases Saleforce

Use Case 1
Salesforce Healthcloud Project


The goal of the project was to customize Salesforce health cloud as per the needs of the client. The project was delivered successfully on time with all the deliverables addressed.

Features developed

  • Manage individual patient records
  • Able to record session time, patient’s complete info and health/consultancy history with the doctor.
  • A complete history chart of patients profile
  • A detailed customizable care plan of the patient with the inclusion of fields such as (Bio of the patient, case history, session times, dates of sessions and priority status etc).
  • A calendar of upcoming meetings or session of each patient. 
  • A patient card and patient profile with details such as previous consumption patterns, diagnosis history, and income bracket etc.
Use Case 2
Visualforce Pages Project
International Trade


The client’s requirement was to have Tables and maps customized and developed as per his will. In addition, a meeting arrangement page using the calendar was also required.

Features developed

  • Customized tables were made
  • Develop views for maps and added all the relevant tabs as per requirement.
  • Using a calendar set up an interface to manage meetings and other scheduled tasks.
Use Case 3
Salesforce Lightning Components


Client’s Requirement was to build their Order and Variant process to be in Lightning framework.

Problem at hand:

  • Development of lightening pages
  • Implementation of customized lightening pages to develop order and variant process
  • Real time updates were required

Features developed

  • Created customized lightening pages from scratch as per client’s requirement
  • Worked on the Aura components in order to achieve the desired layout of lightening pages
  • Wrote Apex classes for lightening component.
  • With the application of Aura and Apex was able to create the desired lightening pages the client required.

The execution was successful, and the final product was an order and variant process that was capable of real time updates moreover, it was in the exact layout the client demanded. This task presented itself as quite a challenge, Despite the difficulties it presented was able to learn and adapt as per the client’s needs and came out successful with a satisfied result. The quality of the work was never taken lightly and the final product was up to the mark.

Use Case 4
Reports and Dashboards Proejct


Client’s Requirement was to arrange large complex data into tables and have a customized graphical representation of that so, he can accurately analyze the current situation and forecast about the future.

Problem at hand: – Arranging a large amount of complex data into simplified form

  • Development of customized reports and graphs in SF.
  • To show an accurate analysis based on multiple objects

Features developed

  • Gathered all the relevant data and arranged it into tables based on multiple objects as per the requirement
  • Generation of Salesforce standard reports and dashboards as per the need of the client that was able to take into account all the multiple objects and display a simplified picture of the current situation of the business.